Sunday, May 29, 2011

some things I love

here are some things that are making my days wonderful:

(see #4)

1- green juice*
2. chili lime pistachios + trader joes' chili mango popsicles
3. gardening!
4. new pornographers' electric version
5. sundresses + rompers
6. neighborhood dogs + adorable neighbors
7. giveaways!
8. having the windows open + awesome breezes
9. spending lots of QT with my husband
10. bare feet + bright nail polish
11. sleeping in
12. bird chirping
13. getting more custom orders for tiny bear!

So #7 requires a bit more explanation. I will be doing a couple of giveaways on my blog this week and will also be giving away two tiny bear animals here and here. Be sure to check those blogs out for more details and check back here later to win some great stuff!

* I make this all kind of ways but always using kale. Then I add in juice or silk coconut milk (has anyone else had this?? its dreamy!), celery, lemon or lime juice, half a banana and some ice.


  1. I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who adds greens to smoothies! I haven't tried kale yet, but spinach and beet greens work swimmingly (and they're in our backyard garden, whereas kale is not).

    The current favorite around here is spinach, almond milk, room temperature banana (as opposed to frozen), spoonful of orange juice concentrate, handful of frozen mango chunks. YUM.

    Hmm. I just realized I've blogged about smoothies with roughage twice in the last year. Brilliant or pathetic: could go either way.

  2. craftosaurus- yay! kindred smoothie spirits :)
    your current favorite sounds so so delicious! I can't wait to make it! thanks for the links too!
