Friday, March 11, 2011

a lady to sing about mix

To keep International Women's Day going just a little longer, here's a mix of some of my favorite songs about ladies. Enjoy + happy weekend!

Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)- Looking Glass
Kate- Ben Folds Five
Hey Sandy- Polaris*
Ruby- Kaiser Chiefs
Denise- Fountains of Wayne
Leslie Ann Levine- Decemberists
Sheena is a Punk Rocker- Ramones
Oh Sherry- Steve Perry**

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For more Mixtape Master madness, peep the playlists on these blogs:

Hi-Fi Weddings | Tylre. | Ten Thou Bride | Fashion Under 100 | Jo, Rooting | One Cat Per Person | another damn life | Savoir Weddings | Fancy Notion | Dead Flowers | Casa De Kaloi | Bunnies’n’Beagles | My San Francisco Budget Wedding | Existing Between Reality and Dreams | Smile in Motion

Be a Mixtape Master. Email Angie or Ashley to get in on it

* PETE & PETE is coming back!!!
** ohsherry is my username for a bunch of websites. fun fact!


  1. Alex and I were just talking about "Brandy" the other day! Seriously.
    We are the same people!

  2. woohoo! girl power! haha. i saw that a bunch of nick@nite shows are coming back!!

  3. I LOVE Brandy by Looking Glass!!!!

  4. oh man, I should put more Looking Glass on my mixes :)

    lizzie- so psyched!!!

  5. kerry- I will send you some $$ soon!
