So now that I am beyond 20 weeks (officially 21, when/how did that happen?), I was reading up on what my child is up to. He is the size of a banana*. He can hear us. When I heard this I thought two things:
1- I should watch my mouth in traffic
2- My kid is going to hear the music I listen to
So more about #2. I feel like now I not only have the itunes 'most played' working against any kind of musical cred I have, I now have another witness to my secret musical desires. For example:
Here is a playlist that I enjoy listening to:
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
a baby is my fave

(a picture of a baby who has way more hipster cred than me for sure)
Sometimes the internet can be an awful, soul sucking, terrible place full of people who leave horrid comments on blogs, news articles and opinion pieces.
Other times, it is a wonderful place that makes my heart sing.
Today is one of those days where I think it is totally awesome.
A HUGE congrats to Melanie!* She has been on my mind throughout my whole pregnancy and I could not be happier for a person I only know through the world wide web. I don't know if she even remembers but she responded to a comment I left on one of her babble posts after my miscarriage saying that I was in her thoughts and she hoped this year would have a miracle for both of us. I love that that came true.
I really cannot thank the blogging community enough for their support, good vibes and sweet emails during my highs and lows this year. I am so lucky and so appreciative for you guys. Sorry if I don't say that enough!
And finally, on that note, happy belated birthdays to two very special girls.
* also, I am waaay too pumped to read about all the cool baby stuff she will (hopefully) post about.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
day off

(art by the awesome jamie shelman)
So I find myself with an unexpected day off. There is something in my wiring that will not let me just relax and enjoy the day* (aka nap). So here is my to do list:
1- make applesauce! lots and lots of apples leftover from apple picking.
2- make vegetable stock! crappy rainy days are excellent for soups.
3- do lots of laundry/change the bedsheets! warm clean sheets are also excellent on crappy days
4- revamp etsy shop! just created a made to order section. update pictures, etc.
5- sew! either stuff for etsy or baby stuff
6- catch up on my google reader's 'check out later' section! this tag gets used a lot
7- catch up on blogs! again sorry, I'm the worst
8- prep a couple blog posts! so I can post maybe more than once a week?
9- make cookies! no reason needed
10- wear cozy socks/jams/drink cocoa**
wish me luck!
* anyone else like this??
** I wouldn't be surprised if this is all I get done.
Friday, October 7, 2011
it's a...! No, not really but I did get this sling* I ordered in the mail today and inspired by Shannon, I tried it out with 2 of the 3 of our cats.

In all seriousness, this belly:

has this inside:

The poor ultrasound tech was having a hard time getting a profile shot of the little guy. She kept saying "he just keeps showing me his penis". At one point, when she took a photo of his arm and it looked like he was flexing.
God, I hope our kid doesn't use these moves outside of the womb.
* on super sale! these slings are usually $70+ and I got it for under $40. yeeesssss!

In all seriousness, this belly:

has this inside:

The poor ultrasound tech was having a hard time getting a profile shot of the little guy. She kept saying "he just keeps showing me his penis". At one point, when she took a photo of his arm and it looked like he was flexing.
God, I hope our kid doesn't use these moves outside of the womb.
* on super sale! these slings are usually $70+ and I got it for under $40. yeeesssss!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
now back to the good part
In lieu of posting about what's going on in my head lately (thoughts of brownies, sleep) I thought I would post a mix of songs on my mind recently and why.

Create a playlist at
1. The Heart and the Head- Cats & Dogs
how good is this cd??? answer: super good. buy it, if you like what you hear here. It is my morning jam on the way to work and my mid day jam on the commute back.
2. The Lonely Island- Jack Sparrow
After seeing Jorma Taccone on Up All Night, we made the wise choice to listen to/watch this song on repeat. Love it. The best part is when Andy Samberg says 'what'.
3. Foster the People- Helena Beat
'Pumped Up Kicks' drives me nuts. However, this I like.
4. Sleeper Agent- Get it Daddy
Awful title, great song.
5. Frank Turner- If Ever I Stray
Great commute song. I'm sure other drivers are jealous of the awesome time I am having while singing this.
6. Wilco- I Might
New Wilco cd is very very good. Once, I play The Heart and the Head to death, I'm going to overplay this one.
7. Deer Tick- Miss K
Didn't think I liked Deer Tick? I do like this tune though.
8. Regina Spektor- Eet
I forgot how much I love this song. Ryan and I listened to this cd over and over on the way to a wedding last weekend.

Create a playlist at
1. The Heart and the Head- Cats & Dogs
how good is this cd??? answer: super good. buy it, if you like what you hear here. It is my morning jam on the way to work and my mid day jam on the commute back.
2. The Lonely Island- Jack Sparrow
After seeing Jorma Taccone on Up All Night, we made the wise choice to listen to/watch this song on repeat. Love it. The best part is when Andy Samberg says 'what'.
3. Foster the People- Helena Beat
'Pumped Up Kicks' drives me nuts. However, this I like.
4. Sleeper Agent- Get it Daddy
Awful title, great song.
5. Frank Turner- If Ever I Stray
Great commute song. I'm sure other drivers are jealous of the awesome time I am having while singing this.
6. Wilco- I Might
New Wilco cd is very very good. Once, I play The Heart and the Head to death, I'm going to overplay this one.
7. Deer Tick- Miss K
Didn't think I liked Deer Tick? I do like this tune though.
8. Regina Spektor- Eet
I forgot how much I love this song. Ryan and I listened to this cd over and over on the way to a wedding last weekend.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
No, not that song* (though I have to admit I love it and rarely change the station when it comes on)
What I've been up to.... since I last updated almost two weeks ago (oops!)
Here goes:
1. I'm cooking again (hip hip hooray!)
(for example: pumpkin banana bread, peanut butter cookies, curried lentil soup, vegetable stock, chicken stock, chicken with chickpeas, tomatoes and paprika, roasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin puree, etc etc etc.
2. Sewing (I can post these pictures after people get them, they are all gifts. hint: they are mini + some are Halloween related)
3. A bit of a belly**
Typical conversation:
Me: I feel like I am pregnant now
Ryan: you ARE pregnant
...and repeat
4. My skin is clearing up! Thank you burt's bees facial scrub!
5. Next Friday, we can find out if we are having a James or a Margaret (that is if the baby keeps it's legs uncrossed...)
6. Lots of wonderful fall things: scented candles, decaf pumpkin lattes (which seems like an oxymoron? regardless, super psyched they exist), apples that taste good, sweaters, light jackets...
7. I have tried to switch out a lot of products I use for more natural or diy versions. some positives: the other week I made my own detergent. not scary and it smells good! some negative: think I may have to switch back to regular deodorant. I am convinced I smell awful (sorry everyone I have any contact with)
8. Everyone is sick. Please don't get me sick. I am already crazy and nervous enough (also, I ate a cantaloupe like 3 weeks ago and even though my state is not one the recall is in, I freaked the eff out about it)
9. Ryan bought me a pair of Toms shoes. I have been wearing them almost everyday. I love them.
10. I thoroughly enjoyed the premiere of Parks + Rec. Also, I have a good feeling about Up All Night. I need more Will Arnett in my life, I even suffered through 2 viewings of 'Let's Go to Prison' to get my fix.
11. I'm actually dressing up for Halloween this year! I'm thinking this, this or this.
12. Thinking of all of you but some special thoughts for these ladies.
How about you? What's new with you???
* pardon me, while I hyperlink the shit out of this post
** I'll post a pic soon, if you're interested. Last night with wild hair in my pjs was not a good photo opportunity
What I've been up to.... since I last updated almost two weeks ago (oops!)
Here goes:
1. I'm cooking again (hip hip hooray!)
(for example: pumpkin banana bread, peanut butter cookies, curried lentil soup, vegetable stock, chicken stock, chicken with chickpeas, tomatoes and paprika, roasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin puree, etc etc etc.
2. Sewing (I can post these pictures after people get them, they are all gifts. hint: they are mini + some are Halloween related)
3. A bit of a belly**
Typical conversation:
Me: I feel like I am pregnant now
Ryan: you ARE pregnant
...and repeat
4. My skin is clearing up! Thank you burt's bees facial scrub!
5. Next Friday, we can find out if we are having a James or a Margaret (that is if the baby keeps it's legs uncrossed...)
6. Lots of wonderful fall things: scented candles, decaf pumpkin lattes (which seems like an oxymoron? regardless, super psyched they exist), apples that taste good, sweaters, light jackets...
7. I have tried to switch out a lot of products I use for more natural or diy versions. some positives: the other week I made my own detergent. not scary and it smells good! some negative: think I may have to switch back to regular deodorant. I am convinced I smell awful (sorry everyone I have any contact with)
8. Everyone is sick. Please don't get me sick. I am already crazy and nervous enough (also, I ate a cantaloupe like 3 weeks ago and even though my state is not one the recall is in, I freaked the eff out about it)
9. Ryan bought me a pair of Toms shoes. I have been wearing them almost everyday. I love them.
10. I thoroughly enjoyed the premiere of Parks + Rec. Also, I have a good feeling about Up All Night. I need more Will Arnett in my life, I even suffered through 2 viewings of 'Let's Go to Prison' to get my fix.
11. I'm actually dressing up for Halloween this year! I'm thinking this, this or this.
12. Thinking of all of you but some special thoughts for these ladies.
How about you? What's new with you???
* pardon me, while I hyperlink the shit out of this post
** I'll post a pic soon, if you're interested. Last night with wild hair in my pjs was not a good photo opportunity
Monday, September 12, 2011
1, 2, 3

(still from the commercial...found here)
Today me and Ryan were sitting in the waiting room at the doctors. We were talking about lots of different things like my day at work and Ryan's schedule tonight. At some point, we referred some Simpsons episodes. In an effort to not be discussing Milhouse when the doctor walked in, we decided to change the subject. Somehow the subject of a certain commercial came up.
Has everyone seen that Slate by Chase credit card ad where the woman surprises her husband and tells him they are having triplets? And he faints and says 'triplets' as if we couldn't figure that out on our own?
Ryan and I had many questions: Why was he just finding this out now? She is pretty far along. Has he not been attending her doctor's appointments? Has she known this whole time? Why was she hiding it? This joke is pretty lame for her big reveal. Is she playing a trick on him and really let her 2 pregnant friends hide their purchases at their house?
I am so glad I married this guy. For many reasons. But hating on the same commercials is definitely one of them.
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